Woodland Hill Preschool is a non-profit, cooperative preschool serving children ages 3-5 and is a fully-licensed preschool. As the oldest preschool in the Copper Country area, Woodland Hill Preschool is proud of its history of excellence in offering quality, affordable early childhood education.
The teachers meet all state certification requirements for early-childhood educators. The preschool is open to all interested families and non-English speaking children are welcome.
We provide a safe, nurturing environment that encourages the development of a positive self-image and a love of learning. Our curriculum prepares children for future school experiences by fostering social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth.
The classroom includes a dress-up play area, toy area, art area, blocks, a climber, and other activity areas. Painting and play dough are offered to the children regularly. The students play on an outdoor playground throughout the entire school year.
As a cooperative preschool, we rely on our members' support for its continued success. An important key to a good preschool is interested parents/guardians who care about what happens in school and are willing to share their ideas, talents, and time to make the school better.
About Our School

Mrs. Jarvis
(4's & GSRP)
Mrs. Odegard
(3's & GSRP)
Mrs. Storer
Assistant Teacher

School board and bylaws
Woodland Hill Preschool is operated by a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, entitled Woodland Hill Preschool, Inc. Woodland Hill Preschool Inc. has a Board of Directors, all volunteer, serving in the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, and Public Relations Coordinator. The Preschool teacher/director is an ex-officio member of the Board.
The Board meets once a month, with special meetings held as necessary. The primary responsibilities of the Board include the short and long term sustainability of the school, fundraising, student recruitment, and financial management. Please refer to the PDF file on Woodland Hill Preschool Bylaws for complete information and description of Board member duties.
Elections for the Board are held during the spring semester parents' meeting, with nominations taken from the membership prior to and at the meeting