Woodland Hill Preschool participates in several local events during the school year in order to maintain the community relationship in the Copper Country. Woodland Hill Preschool also offers events that are open to public, where our students showcase what they've learned through our program. These are great opportunities for students to showcase their art works and gain confidence in performance, as well as for general public to learn about our wonderful program.
Annual Events
Winter Music Program
Music is an important part of the preschool experience. The Winter Music program provides the children a wonderful opportunity to perform different holiday songs for parents, families, and friends.
Art Fair
The Art Fair in late spring is an opportunity for the children to show off some of the beautiful art projects that they have completed throughout the school year. Families and friends are invited to attend and celebrate their child’s achievements.
Parent Meetings
In that Woodland Hill Preschool is a cooperative preschool, parent meetings are an important opportunity to build community and maintain preschool operations. Parent meetings are held once each term. The fall parent meeting is a great time to volunteer for committees. The spring parent meeting includes elections for the preschool board. Meetings are led by the board and the teachers. Parent input is encouraged!